What types of courier packaging bags are there?

What are courier packaging bags?

Courier packaging bags are packaging bags designed specifically for the courier industry to protect and safely transport various items. Today’s courier packaging bags are made of environmentally friendly materials, such as compostable materials, post-consumer recyclable plastics, environmentally friendly paper and other environmentally friendly materials. After use, they are biodegraded, composted or recycled without polluting the environment. At the same time, they are waterproof and damage-resistant to ensure that the package is not damaged during transportation. These bags are designed to be easy to seal with self-adhesive seals to prevent the contents from being scattered or tampered with during transportation. Courier packaging bags can also be customized to produce courier bags with brand information and special functions, such as printing brand logos, patterns, texts, and courier bag colors, materials and other requirements. The use of environmentally friendly courier packaging bags has greatly improved logistics efficiency, while also avoiding environmental pollution, and also providing customers with a convenient and secure delivery experience.

Types of courier packaging bags

There are many types of courier packaging bags. Nowadays, courier bags are usually made of environmentally friendly materials, and self-adhesive bags are used for sealing:

Compostable courier bags

Compostable courier bags are courier bags made of environmentally friendly compostable materials. They can be composted at home and industrially. The courier bags are sealed with self-adhesive seals. They are currently widely used environmentally friendly courier bags.

Compostable courier bags

Recyclable plastic courier bags

Recyclable plastic courier bags are made of recyclable plastic materials. This type of bag is designed to reduce the impact on the environment and promote the circular economy by allowing consumers and businesses to recycle the courier items after they are delivered. Recyclable plastic courier bags are usually durable, waterproof and easy to seal to ensure the safety of courier items during transportation. They may have clear recycling signs and instructions on them to guide users on how to properly recycle these bags so that they can be effectively sorted and reprocessed, reducing the generation of plastic waste and saving resources.

Recyclable plastic courier bags

Kraft paper courier bags

Kraft paper courier bags are made of environmentally friendly kraft paper. They can be customized according to needs, printed with patterns, texts, specifications, and sealing methods. They can be biodegraded or recycled after use to avoid environmental pollution. Kraft paper courier bags are mostly used to transport documents.

White honeycomb kraft paper bag

Bubble material courier bags

Bubble material courier bags are made of recyclable bubble plastic. This type of courier bag is usually used for the transportation and packaging of consumer electronic products, fragile products and other items. It can avoid collisions and damage to items. It can be recycled and reused after consumption. It has obtained GRS environmental certification and meets the current environmental protection requirements.

Biodegradable self-sealing bubble bags

Self-adhesive courier bags

In order to avoid damage and leakage, most of the sealing methods of courier bags adopt self-sealing methods. This type of courier bag is called self-adhesive courier bag, which is widely used in the transportation and packaging of clothing, electronic products, books, documents, daily necessities, cosmetics, personal care products, etc.

Self-adhesive courier bags

Customized courier packaging bags

Courier bags can be customized, and can be customized in specifications, sizes, printing colors, patterns, sealing methods, courier bag making materials, and special needs of the transportation and packaging industry.

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